Posts Tagged ‘working at summer camp’

Eagerly Awaiting the Arrival of Campers!

Thursday, June 20th, 2013

In just a few short days, campers will arrive at each of America’s Finest Summer Camps in droves.  But summer camp campuses all over the country have already been populated by someone else for the past several days: staff.  Working with children 24/7 requires more preparation than simply showing up ready to work and being given a brief tour of the “office.”  When your “office” is a summer camp campus, there is quite a lot of preparation to do before the campers arrive.  That’s why summer camp staff participate in orientation sessions that last for a full week.  During this time, staff are trained in everything from inclusive techniques and ice breakers to emergency procedures.

Some of the staff members, like many of their campers will later this week, stepped off of a bus and into summer camp for the first time.  They were nervous, as is expected of everyone showing up for their first day on the job.  Having carefully been selected by year round camp staff over the course of the past year, many of them are working toward degrees that will lead to careers working with children and have some idea of what to expect…but not completely.  Over the past several days they’ve learnt a lot about camp, a lot about themselves, a lot about each other, and a lot about the campers they will meet in a few days.

If you ask any of them, they’ll tell you it has been an intense few days, but beneficial ones.  They’ll tell you that not all of it has been fun, but a lot of it has.  They’ll tell you that they’ve already made some new friends they know they’ll have for life.  But, perhaps most telling about the type of people who choose to embark on an adventure as seemingly crazy as working round the clock for seven straight days in an unfamiliar place for two straight months, is that they’ll tell you that they can’t wait to meet their campers!

Find Your Way Home To Camp Starlight

Sunday, February 24th, 2013

The last week of camp seems like it was yesterday.  That feeling of holding on to every moment and hoping that time would just stand still. As the Olympic scores are announced, you rushed the lake cheering, hugging and tears began flooding your eyes. You left your legacy with your bunk plaque this time just a simple phrase, so simple, but says so much. You watched the camp enter the banquet and in awe of the fantasy world you created full of the memories of the summer. The songs from the closing show and the beautiful stroll down to the lake.  The serenade of the alma mater and the candle flickering in the night. The vision of fireworks reflecting on the lake .  The trumpet echoing taps from the mountains.  And of course, that moment when together we all looked up to the sky and David’s words that finally had found a special meaning …”may the stars of Camp Starlight keep you warm throughout the winter and lead you back to us next summer.”

As the buses rolled away that summer and you began the journey back down the camp road, you promised yourself that you would return to Starlight some day.  There are so many things that draw you back: reuniting with friends, sharing your own experience with other campers, taking the role of a coach or teacher, the thrill of being a General or Sing Leader, taking on a leadership role of an ADL, Division Leader or one day a Head Counselor, a chance to get in the ring and wrestle in slushies, shaving your legs for Ms. Starlight, being in the rec hall and singing friends and the alma mater.  It is not hard to imagine at all.

Oh, and then life began to get complicated. Applying to college,  going to college, chosing a major, the pressure of internships and the like. And you start to wonder if that promise you made to yourself will ever come true to go back to Camp again.  But before you let the door close on what has been such an important part of your life, don’t believe that the “real world” doesn’t value the experience of working at a summer camp.  Camp Starlight provides a continuous opportunity to grow, educate yourself and develop a social network that will help you further your relationships both professionally and personally.

And opportunities are abound.  Camp is like a mini city.  The experience of working with children will be to learn about teaching and child care. Athletic learning to teach, coach, organize and scheduling are great skills to help with a career in sports management or teaching.  Our health center staffed with highly skilled nurses and doctors many of whom have worked in ER, Surgery, Pediatrics, provides a great resource for someone considering to go to med school or nursing.  Our active social media site provides is a great place to publish a blog, photograph or learn the ins and outs of building a social media community. A special events department is like no other to learn about event planning.  A complete infrastructure with its own sewage plant, dam, generators that would engineer.  Our theater has been a true starting point  for aspiring actors, writers, stage managers, producers and musicians. Thinking of becoming an aeronautical engineer, well maybe we can’t help you, although you never know what we have in store for the Olympic break. The opportunities are as endless as are the mountains in Pennsylvania.

So if your heart belongs at Starlight this summer, give us a call and let us see if we can help you find your way home.

David and Allison

Camp Starlight on Your Resume

Tuesday, February 12th, 2013

In a society where college students are told they surely must land that coveted internship to ever secure a job after they graduate, it posts a challenge for summer camps around the country to retain experienced staff after their college years are over. The misconception of adding “Summer Camp Counselor” to a resume as not a serious prior job experience is unfortunate and something that has to change! At Starlight we are working to foster an environment where our staff can be proud to list being a “Camp Starlight Staff” on their resume with some significant and meaningful skills to back it up.

Some of the aspects of the job are obvious. As a member of Camp Starlight Staff, counselors are going to learn responsibility. Staff are going to learn (quickly) how to multi-task. Most importantly, developing strong leadership skills and the know-how and patience to work with all different people from very different backgrounds is an invaluable experience found in a summer spent at Starlight. Counselors  hone organizational skills and learn how to work in a demanding and fast-paced environment. Working in such a close -knit community staff members realize what it is like to work as a team, be a good co-worker and a great role model. The thing our team takes from a summer at camp that far surpasses closing day is the experience of self examination and discovery. During the summer at Starlight, we facilitate this and help our staff find the things they enjoy and where he or she excels.  This helps build confidence which will last a lifetime.

Anyone considering the exciting prospect of joining us for a summer at Camp Starlight can feel certain that the summer will come with an abundance of experiences that will prove useful for years to come in whatever future career path he or she should take.  It’s important to remember  being in a bunk and responsible for 10 children requires patience, energy, empathy and selflessness. All of these skills can be further discussed in an interview, and it becomes clear that skills learned at Camp Starlight will transfer well into almost any industry or job. Everyday spent at camp provides opportunity and valuable connections for success in the future.

Networking, for example, is a natural thing that occurs at camp. Not only do staff have a team of people to learn from, but just like in recent blogs discussing Starlighters around the world, camp is a culture that is shared by many. Many employers understand the role of the counselor and will appreciate the hard work, passion and dedication it takes to work at a summer camp.  Talking about experiences during a future interview process,  potential employers are bound to be impressed with the excitement Starlight counselors have about a job. With all of the areas we have in camp ranging from programming and athletics, to the tours and the special events, our experienced key staff serve as mentors for development of our counselors life and career goals.  Camp Starlight provides the ability to try a wide range of things and achieve both personal and professional goals all the while having a fantastic time working with great kids and making lifetime friends!

Alyson Lee

Spreading the Word

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013

Camp Starlight is known for our fabulous staff. We hire mature, experienced and fun-loving individuals who are looking to make a difference. Over the years our recruiting methods may have changed but our mission to find the best staff stays the same. We are so lucky to have a great returning staff to use as a resource and help us to navigate the never ending changing ways to “get the word out”.

We love meeting our staff in person and we love to travel too. We combine the two and, this year, we will be making our way around the country to visit 18 college campuses and 2 countries overseas.  Once there, we attend awesome job fairs and career expos and personally meet hundreds of great potential counselors. After months of planning with our veteran staff just where our recruiting tour will take us, we get on the road to find the best staff in camping. We are always happy to hear from our prospective new staff members that they have heard about Camp Starlight from our veteran staff. We hear from new applicants that they saw things like countdowns, mini reunions, and international camp t-shirt days, all of which made them curious about camp. Our staff and alumni are constantly talking about Starlight.  Their camp experiences and their excitement has attracted many of their friends to apply!

Once we hire a staff member they are quickly embraced by veteran and other new staff members, and friendships are often formed before the summer even begins.The returning staff are so helpful in answering questions about the coming summer, welcoming new staff to the Starlight family.  They truly create the buzz for June! Having the veteran counselors reach out to their new co-workers, we have been told,is incredibly useful for a new counselor and makes them feel as if they are already part of the family before they arrive. As it is February, here at Starlight, we are packed and ready to meet the best of the best for 2013!

Camp Mom

Friday, February 1st, 2013

One of the most essential roles held in a summer at Camp Starlight is that of the Camp Mom. The Camp Mom is always alert and sensitive to the needs of Starlighters in their everyday routines. Her chief role is to pay that extra special bit of attention known as mother love to our junior campers, specifically our Junior Boys. She checks that the campers are clean and keeping up personal hygiene. She makes sure everyone is lathered up in their sunscreen before heading off to a day of fun in the sun, and she is always ready with her clippers to trim those fingernails when they need it!

Our staff at Camp Starlight is ever vigilant to the safety and well-being of campers, but as we all know, there are just some things that a mother does best. The Camp Mom has the freedom and flexibility to be where she is needed whenever that is. She drops into the bunks, stops by at activity periods, and of course does her daily rounds at meals to make sure everyone is having a proper meal. Counselors are aware and working to make sure the kids are happy and healthy, but only a mom can really go behind and make sure everything is just right. As important as these roles are, the position also steps outside of the everyday practical check-ups and really allows the Camp Mom and the campers to develop a caring relationship through the summer.

In addition to watching the physical welfare of the kids, a Camp Mom also takes on the role of a nurturing supporter. Campers realize she is there for them to talk to, to wish each of them sweet dreams at night, and to help encourage their independence and growth during their summer at camp. For all of these reasons, it is obvious why the Camp Mom is such an integral part of our youngest campers’ summers. All of our previous Camp Moms have shared their enjoyment of being mother to the many kids they met over the summer and being able to care for them during their time away from home. It is also a common feeling that a summer at Camp Starlight as the Camp Mom brought them a wonderfully warm experience personally because of becoming a part of the amazing people known as the Starlight Family!


Starlight T-Shirts around the World

Friday, November 30th, 2012

Tuesday, November 13th was the 3rd annual International Wear Your Summer Camp T-Shirt Day!

We challenged our staff to go into their closets and pull out some of their Starlight gear, put it on and show some Camp Starlight spirit. With all the choices our staff had a…staff shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, leagues shirts, We Take Care of Our Own Summer 2012 shirts, Polar Bear Club gear, Arts and Crafts jewelry and apparel projects, shades from a Farewell Party, and Olympic team shirts,  we knew they would be up to the challenge.

We received so many great photos from all across the country and around the world.  From Sydney, Australia to college campuses in Kansas and Oregon. We want to thank everyone for participating and making us all feel a little closer together that day!

Miss Starlight 2012…Plenty of Pomp and Circumstance

Sunday, July 29th, 2012

Miss Starlight…Part mock beauty pageant.  Part Camp Starlight’s take on dress up.  Each girls bunk chooses a male camp staff member and transforms him into a pretty pretty princess…or something like it.  The contestants then strut their stuff on stage in a display of pageantry and talent that would put—well—really no one to shame.  But it’s all still very funny and fun to watch.  Fortunately, the contestants are not only great sports when it comes to their “makeovers” but they’re incredibly inventive when portraying the characters their bunks have invented for them.  Whether Scandinavian royalty, country girls, or even elderly women, they put their heart and souls into their performances as they fight to win the title for their respective girls bunks.  This year, girls bunk 18 proved themselves the most likely to land their own reality makeover show in their transformation of Armani, who every other day but the one on which he emerged as Miss Starlight 2012, is normally a counselor in boys bunk 21.

C.O.D….It’s a Good Thing!

Friday, July 20th, 2012

Quick.  Name an occasion, besides a fishing contest, when you would be excited to be singled out and handed a fish.  Okay, we’ll help.  Being handed a fish is a good thing at Camp Starlight when you are a C.O.D.  That stands for Counselor of the Day, for those who aren’t quite current with their Camp Starlight lingo.  Every morning at lineup, one counselor from boys camp and one counselor from girls camp are singled out for exemplary performance and attitude and presented with a cod…literally.  Then they each get to do a lap around the lineup circle.  If you think being rewarded with a fish sounds odd, then perhaps one should consider the alternatives:

Here is your Counselor of the Day plaque. (Yawn.  It’s just like the one I got for perfect attendance…in the 4th grade.)

Here is your Counselor of the Day ribbon.  (Three years later:  What was that for again?)

Here is your Counselor of the Day trophy.  (Great.  Just what I needed…another dust collector)

Here is your Counselor of the Day cod.  (Oh…I get it.  Counselor of the Day…C.O.D….Cool!  I’ve never been given a fish before, except that one time at a carnival when I threw a ping pong ball into a fish bowl.  But this one is way better because I don’t have to worry about finding it belly up one morning.)

So there you have it.  When being a C.O.D. and being given a cod are very, very good things!

The Adventures of WAKA FLAKA (the Lower Debs Mascot)

Monday, July 16th, 2012

Anyone even remotely familiar with Camp Starlight knows that our Lower Debs are some of the most spirited campers.  Their enthusiasm is driven by their love of Camp Starlight and Megan, the Lower Debs Division leader.  One of the ways Megan promotes Camp Starlight spirit amongst the girls is through the use of a mascot.  Megan’s mascot has become a Lower Debs tradition and its identity remains a closely guarded secret for which the answer is highly anticipated by all incoming Lower Debs.  This year, Megan chose WAKA FLAKA.  If you’re wondering who or, rather, what a WAKA FLAKA is, then read on and enjoy the following blog written by Lower Debs counselor and blog contest winner Rachael M. of bunk 17.  Well done and congratulations, Rachael!

My journey as a flamingo has not been typical.  I have been on many adventures already in my life.  When I first arrived at camp Starlight, it was a quiet and beautiful place.  I could tell many amazing things had happened here in the past, but I stayed with one lady wearing Canadian clothing and her cute baby for those first days.  Finally, through my window, I saw others arrive.  They all had smiles on their faces and were so energetic!  Everyone was running to each other and hugging, but I was still alone.

One day, the Canadian lady took me out of her room, which made me very confused.  However, before I knew it, she took me out of the bag I was in and what seemed like hundreds of girls were cheering around me!  It was then that I realized I was no ordinary flamingo.  I was WAKA FLAKA, the mascot for the Lower Debs.  I found out that the nice Canadian lady’s name was Megan, their Division Leader.  She explained that I represented their division, and I even have a cheer for me now!  Everyday, the Lower Debs chant the cheer loud and proud, and learn a fun fact about my species.

The best part about being their mascot is that I get to go around with them at camp everyday.  I spend my days at Starlight watching all of the kids play basketball, go swimming, and I get to watch them cook!  I don’t eat that food, though.  I’m fed by camp spirit!  These ladies, like all of the Starlight campers, are awesome, and I can’t wait to see what the best of the summer holds!

“Get to Know” Kim–Upper Debs Division Leader

Sunday, July 15th, 2012

For another “Get to know…”, a couple of our Deb girls interviewed Upper Debs Division Leader Kim Schwartz.  Here’s the word from Kim:

This is her fifth summer at Camp Starlight. Her role here at camp has always been the Upper Debs Division Leader—“Mama Eagle”–and she can’t believe that some of her campers from her first summer are now counselors.

Her most memorable moment at Camp Starlight was in 2008, when she had her Bat Mitzvah here.

Some other interesting facts about Kim…

She was pregnant her first summer

She loves that her entire family gets to come to camp together every summer (hubby Evan is also a Division Leader on the boys side, son Ben is a camper, and daughter Maddie looks forward to being a camper in a couple more years).

Speaking of family, she also loves that her children will grow up at camp.

During the ten months she’s not at Camp Starlight, she teaches upper elementary school.

She says that if she wasn’t a Division Leader at camp, then she’d definitely be a Bunk Specialist.

Faves list…

Color: blue

Camp Meal: whacky mac & matzah ball soup

Evening Activity: Spirit of Starlight

And there you have our “Get to know…” with Kim Schwartz!