Posts Tagged ‘summer jobs in the USA’

Behind the Scenes

Sunday, July 7th, 2013

No one really thinks about the support staff when it comes to camp, but without them many camps would have trouble functioning.  Here at Camp Starlight the support staff is amazing and well appreciated.  These workers do everything from cooking and cleaning to maintenance and gardening.  Their philosophy in life is to work hard, do your best at all costs, work together, and never give up.

These staff members prepare meals three times a day and still manage to do other types of work.  They manage to do this by working together as a team and making sure that they are understood by each other on tasks.

Many of the support staff aren’t from the United States and they say that their biggest struggle is trying to speak and understand English.  It’s difficult for them to learn because many of the other counselors have different dialects of English. But they happily report that their English gets just a little bit better after each summer.

We just want to thank you support staff once again for all your hard work and that we love and appreciate everything that you do here at Camp Starlight.