Posts Tagged ‘summer camp fun run’

Slope for Lope

Monday, July 25th, 2011

One thing that is really great about Camp Starlight is the Slope for Lope.  Slope for Lope is when campers wake up at reveille and go down to the main office.  When the campers are down there, they each get a number.  As soon as they get a number they start walking down to the bottom of the road.  Then when all the campers are down at the bottom of the road, we begin the race.  It is a mile and a half.  We go all the way up the long road then a lap around camp.  We go around the mess hall past the softball diamonds on to girl side and boys.  Then finally the campers end at the flagpole.  When the campers finish they get a bracelet that says I ran the slope for lope in Summer 11.  Then of course we get lope.  It was a great morning and I know everyone had a great time.  It was so much fun and I loved getting the bracelets proving that we did it.

With thanks to Ally L for writing this blog.