Posts Tagged ‘camper blogs’

Photo of the Day

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

This photograph, taken by Jenna, was chosen as the Photo of the Day because it clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of 200 zoom and how it is beneficial when applying the rule of thirds, which was the topic of today’s digital photography lesson.


Monday, July 12th, 2010

Panic is when you hear a riddle, and with your bunk, you figure it out. Then we dress up as the answer. We love the Harry Potter riddle the best. We dressed up as Harry Potter, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and Hagrid. We have this activity in Junior Circle. It is run by Tracie and Paige, the division leaders. It is after dinner and free play. It is our last activity before we get ready for bed. Panic is so much fun!!!

By: Emily and Lilly

Talking with Paige: Maddie, Andie & Jamie’s Interview!

Wednesday, July 7th, 2010

The following interview was conducted by Lower Junior campers Maddie, Andie and Jamie during a website option that focused on conducting interviews for blogs. The interviewee is Paige, the Junior Girls Assistant Division Leader. All questions were thought up by the girls and, of course, answered by Paige.

Maddie, Andie, and Jamie:

Do you like living in bunk two this summer?


I love living in bunk two!

Maddie, Andie, and Jamie:

What made you come to Camp?


I love working with kids, and the settings and surroundings of Camp Starlight make it a wonderful place to work.

Maddie, Andie, and Jamie:

How many years have you been working at Camp Starlight and what is your position?


This is my second year and I am an Assistant Division Leader.

Maddie, Andie, and Jamie:

What is your favorite sport to play at camp?


My favorite sport at camp is Tennis.

Maddie, Andie, and Jamie:

What is your favorite food at camp?


I like the selection of salad and I love the oatmeal.

Maddie, Andie, and Jamie:

Where is your favorite place at camp?


My favorite place at camp is the lake. It changes all throughout the day and is a beautiful sight.

Maddie, Andie, and Jamie:

We know you have a teddy-bear, how long have you had it and tell us a bit about it?


I have had my teddy for 11 years, he’s simply called ‘Bear’ and it has a very short snout.

Maddie, Andie, and Jamie:

What is your favorite animal in and outside camp?


Inside camp, my favorite animal is a chipmunk and outside, it’s a shark.

Maddie, Andie, and Jamie:

What is your favorite evening activity?


My favorite activity is the junior girls build-a-bear night!