Posts Tagged ‘camp creative writing’

Messy Fun in Maker’s Space

Wednesday, July 9th, 2014

Maker’s Space is a new area at camp in which campers can choose from three focus activities: eco-science, robotix and 3-D printing, and rocketry. Today, Lower Inter Girls Sammy B., Brooke H., and Zoe S. used their creative writing option period to learn a little bit more about what the eco-science component of Maker’s Space is all about.

Maker’s Space is taught by Kieran, who is studying marine biology at Bangor University in North Wales. When creative writing visited, a group of Lower Camp Girls was busy making slime. Kieran explained the slime is really easy to make. All you need is 2 tablespoons of slime goo and a half tablespoon of cross linker, both of which are available as a kit from Steve Spangler science. He said that slime is a lot of fun to make because you can do all sorts of things with it, including bounce it when it is in ball form.

The girls from creative writing learned that campers like  maker’s space option because of the lizard and bearded dragon, because it is fun and different, and (what better reason for an activity area called Maker’s Space?) to make stuff. The girls were really excited to be making slime and said that it felt slimy, gooey, nice, and sticky. Campers are also looking forward to having more fun with science in other areas of Maker’s Space as well.