Senior Spotlight #2

Today Alexa M, Allix C and Hannah G share with us their feelings about entering their last summer as a camper at Camp Starlight.  Thank you ladies!

Being an Upper Senior is a big spot to step into as the oldest campers at Camp Starlight. One of the most important roles Upper Seniors must take on is to be role models. It is important to remember that the younger campers look up to the older ones, so being spirited, optimistic, and responsible will help to make these seven weeks even better than the year before. This summer, to probably each and every Upper Senior camper, will be most memorable. Some activities that are exciting to us include Camp Rules, Olympics, our big trip to Cleveland, Ohio, sleeping in the Lakehouse/Lodge, and many more. The summer is bittersweet because as we enjoy all of the great activities camp has to offer, we also must say goodbye to some friends that may not come back to camp in years to follow. In the Upper Senior girls’ “song” that they sang at the opening campfire, the lyrics say, “We have had the time of our lives, and I will not forget the faces left behind.” Camp Starlight creates memories and friendships that will last a lifetime, and every summer gets better and better as we have the “times of our lives”. Each camper is loving camp so far, and is anticipating the rest of the summer that has yet to come.

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