New Counselors at Camp Starlight

Just like many new campers, I step one foot in front, then the other follows along, as I explore the Camp Starlight campus for the very first time as a new counselor. I notice how big and tall the trees are and the dew on the grass soaking through my shoes. Just after a few steps, all my senses come alive–almost awakened. The sunlight shines and lights up all the particles of dust in the air that my presence has kicked up, transforming even the smallest elements of nature into dancing fairies. A celebration of natural life bloomed all around me. The vast open sky above affirmed that this special place holds no bounds for what can happen next, magical or real. Once you arrive at Camp Starlight you realize the idyllic summer that is Camp Starlight, this is where the true blossoming celebration takes place. To pass along through the road is just the beginning to experience the celebration.

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