Catching Up with the Upper Inter Boys

The Upper Inter boys, led by Alex, have had a pretty exciting summer so far.  They’ve been busy playing on their Wayne County sports teams, competing in Starlight Leagues, and have even gone bowling and to Skate Estate.  Evening activities have been pretty wild.  All of Boys Camp recently participated in The Hunger Games.  There have also been a Wild Dance Party, Bunk Challenges, and a Magic Show, among other things.  This week, the Upper Inters will be competing in their divisional MTV Night competition.  All of the Upper Inter boys bunks have been working very hard on their acts.  Recently, we caught up with Luke, an Upper Inter in bunk 12.  Here’s what he shared with us about his summer so far:

CS: What is your favorite camp activity?

Luke: Track and Field.  I love to run!

CS: What is your favorite camp meal?

Luke: Chocolate chip pancakes.  I like to make a stack and then pour two packets of syrup over them…perfect.

CS: What is your favorite evening activity?

Luke: Challenge Week Auction because you never know what you’re going to get.  This year my bunk got brownies in the bunk.  We wanted to get the smoothie party.  But we didn’t win the auction for that.

CS: What is your best moment at camp so far this summer?

Luke: Every morning when I see my brother and sister.  We have a spot where we meet every morning.  I’m a middle child and my brother and sister are here.  My brother is older so he kind of checks on me to see how I’m doing.  My sister is younger.  This is her first year here, so I kind of check on her.  We’re looking after each other.

CS: If you could make up one new activity at Camp Starlight, what would it be?

Luke: A hip hop dance competition for boys.

CS: Which camp activity would you do every day if you could?

Luke: It’s one I do every day…Super 6th because I get to do everything.  I don’t think there is just one thing that I’d want to do EVERY day.

CS: If you could be any staff member at Camp Starlight, who would you be?

Luke: David Miller–even though his job is really hard because he has to remember a lot of names.

CS: To what are you looking the most forward the second half of the summer?

Luke: Spending more time with my friends.

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