Zombie S-Day

Screen Shot 2016-07-24 at 7.40.22 AM(From a campers perspective)

A cold breeze swept through the bunk, as my bunkmates and I woke up and began to whisper. Today was not an average day; reveille was not to be blown. We stumbled up to the mess hall in our pajamas, ate our breakfast, and headed back to the bunk to clean up a bit. Our Division Leader Alex lead us down the golf course and began to chat to us about our day full of cream cheese making. He described to us the churning and culturing techniques required to make the perfect cream cheese! Why were we doing this on our S-day? Something seemed very off. Out of nowhere, our ADL Jason appeared somewhat dazed, and confused. He shouted from a distance, “They’re here, they’re coming for all of us!” He brought us down to the Varsity Field, where our counselors were slowing shuffling around, as if possessed by demons. We were not making cream cheese today, we were battling zombies. We ran across the field attempting to not be touched by their zombieness, a few of my bunkmates turning to the dark side in the process. Eventually, when everyone of us had became a “zombie,” we played zombie games, because zombies can have fun too! Happily for me, my day ended with a refreshing shower and the red paint came right out of my hair.

-An Upper Inter Camper

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