Slope for Lope

Slope for Lope is quickly becoming one of Camp Starlight’s favorite summer traditions. The excitement that builds in anticipation of the big morning is one that gets your motor running, blood pumping, and motivation to climb camp road at an all time high. The first time you do the Slope for Lope, many things are going through your head…

“Should I go out fast to get ahead?…Maybe I will start out at a leisurely pace and save my gusto for a strong finish!”

Maybe you’re a seasoned runner and you’re thinking about breathing patterns and the length of your stride. Whatever the mindset brings you up the winding road, the goal is the same, as you break the peak of the hill and begin the decline into the heart of camp.  You see the buzzing crowd waiting to greet the mass of runners. It is a race to the finish line where you’ll be rewarded with cheers, smiling faces, and a fresh slice of DEEEE-LICIOUS! We hope everyone is as excited as we are for Slope for Lope 2011!

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